Friday, March 20, 2020

The 6 Forgotten Italian Subject Pronouns

The 6 Forgotten Italian Subject Pronouns Often, one of the first Italian language lessons beginners study is Italian subject pronouns (pronomi personali soggetto). Too often, however, theres a whole subset of Italian subject pronouns that is given scant attention, including egli, ella, esso, essa, essi, and esse. Legacy Italian Subject Pronouns Call them legacy subject pronouns or classic subject pronouns, these subject pronouns are still (infrequently) used in Italian. They typically appear only as regionalisms, in formal speech, or in literature. There are three pairs of Italian subject pronouns for the third person singular: egli/ella, lui/lei, esso/essa. The third person plural includes the pair essi/esse and the form loro, which is the same for both masculine and feminine. Egli, Lui, Esso Egli and lui are used with reference to people. Lui, especially in spoken language, can also refer to animals and things. Esso is used for animals and things. Ho parlato con il direttore e egli [but commonly lui] mi ha assicurato il suo interessamento. I spoke with the director and he assured me of his interest. Cercai di trattenere il cavallo ma esso [also lui] proseguà ¬ la corsa. I tried to hold back the horse but he continued on the course. Un importante compito vi à ¨ stato affidato; esso dovr essere eseguito nel miglior modo possibile. An important task was entrusted to you; it must be performed in the best way possible. Ella, Lei, Essa The form ella has already fallen into disuse, especially in spoken language, and is considered literary and formal. Analogous to lui, the form lei also refers to animals and things, especially in spoken language. The form essa (unlike its masculine counterpart) also refers to a person, but it is less commonly used and has a literary or regional character. Avverti tua sorella, forse essa [but commonly lei] non lo sa ancora. Warn your sister, maybe she still doesnt know. Ho cercato di prendere la gattina, ma essa [also lei] à ¨ scappata. I tried to hold the kitten, but she ran away. Essi, Esse The plural forms essi and esse serve to indicate people, animals, and things. Loro is used with reference to people and, especially in spoken Italian, also to refer to animals. Li ho guardati in viso, essi [or loro] abbassarono gli occhi. I looked at them in the face, but they lowered their eyes. Allingresso della villa cerano due cani; essi [or loro] stavano per mordermi. At the entrance to the villa, there were two dogs; they were waiting to bite me. Il Parlamento ha emanato nuove leggi; esse prevedono la modifica dellordinamento giudiziario. Parliament issued new laws; they anticipate the modification of the legal rule. Wherefore Art Thou, Italian Subject Pronouns? The forgotten Italian subject pronouns egli, ella, esso, essa, essi, and esse, similar to the remote past tense (passato remoto), can sometimes seem obsolete, especially since they are often ignored in modern textbooks. A former grammatical rule held that egli was a subject pronoun and lui an object pronoun. But although lui, lei, and loro tend to predominate in colloquial conversation, egli, as well as the other subject pronouns in question, can still be found in literary texts. Similar to the remote past tense, the subject pronouns egli, ella, esso, essa, essi, and esse are still a feature of southern Italian dialects. En Italiano SINGOLARE1a persona: io2a persona: tu3a persona maschile: egli, lui, esso3a persona femminile: ella, lei, essa PLURALE1a persona: noi2a persona: voi3a persona maschile: loro, essi3a persona femminile: loro, esse

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What To Do When Content Marketing Isn’t Working With Jon Henshaw

What To Do When Content Marketing Isn’t Working With Jon Henshaw You know that content marketing has the potential to grow your company. What if you’re not getting results, though? If you don’t have something unique to say or value to offer, it’s tough to get traction in a competitive environment. How can you create unique ideas and overcome mediocre results? Today we’re going to be talking to Jon Henshaw, an accomplished product builder and content marketer. Jon co-founded Raven Tools and is now with CBS Interactive. We’re going to talk about how to fix broken content marketing. You won’t want to miss today’s show! Powered by PodcastMotor Actionable Content Marketing powered by By AMP070: What To Do When Your Content Marketing Isn't Working With Jon Henshaw 00:00/00:00 1x 100 > Download file Subscribe on iTunes Leave Review Share Some of the highlights of this episode include: What Jon’s been up to over the past decade, from building up Raven Tools from nothing to entering the world of content marketing. Some of the â€Å"wins† that Jon has experienced over the years, as well as a â€Å"loss.† Jon’s process for staying ahead of the curve when it comes to content marketing. Tips on tackling the types of big, unique projects that will pan out, as well as Jon’s thoughts on the risks involved. How Jon promotes his biggest projects for maximum benefit. Where SEO fits into the promotion strategy. Jon’s favorite part of content marketing. Links: Jon on LinkedIn Raven Tools CBS Interactive GA Config Email a screenshot of your iTunes review to If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud,  Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Jon: â€Å"One of the great things about content marketing is that it kind of levels the playing field among other companies. You don’t have to have the tens of thousands of dollars or more in paid advertising budget. You just have to have good ideas.† â€Å"The internet is a big place and yes, most things have already been done You have to be even more creative.† â€Å"The part that I geek out the most on is actually putting that content together and writing the code behind that content so that it can perform really well.†